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C37LG - Buy Your Own Tractor

And now, the C37LG brings you New Gambling Opportunity with...




In an effort to find a more imaginative way to part you from your money, sorry, I mean to raise funds to keep 37003 in the manner to which she's become accustomed, we've come up with a lottery/tote/draw thingy which not only should be a laugh but provides you with a unique chance to build up your very own personal EE Type 3 fleet for only a pound per loco per month - with no pesky maintenance, fuelling or track access charges to worry about!


How will it work?
For a monthly standing order contribution of just £1, you can buy your own 37: that is, you'll get your own unique 37XXX number - you can choose your own loco(s), strictly first-come-first-served of course. Each monthly £1 standing order buys another loco, so for a fiver a month you'll have a fleet of five Syphons to put EWS to shame! (That's not difficult.-Ed.)


What's in it for me?
Every month, all of the loco numbers which have been bought will be put into a randomly-selected item of headgear, and we'll draw out a first prize and a runner-up prize. So if you've bought 2 or more locos, you could win both every month! (Though that would be fairly jammy). How much you can win depends on how many numbers have been sold, because we'll always pay out in prizes 45% of what we get in standing order payments - so for example if we've sold 40 locos, then the monthly prizes will be worth a total of £18, which will be paid as a first prize of £12 and a runner-up prize of £6. And we do it every month!


What's in it for the Group?
While we're not talking big money here, every bit counts, and it would be really worthwhile for the group to have a regular income like this, which can be put towards things like buying spares for 003, and perhaps buying some green paint and things like that.


Up for it?
If you fancy having a flutter, email us at and I'll give you all the gen - with no obligation.


As Mrs Doyle would say: Aaaah, go on, go on, go on, go on...!

This is only open to members of the C37LG. Contributions are to be made by standing order (payable on the first of each month) in multiples of £1. They will be paid into a separate bank account from which the prizes will be paid. Prizes will be drawn monthly and winners informed directly by post/e-mail (and in the next Syphon!). The amount paid out in prizes will be 45% of the gross income, with the remaining proceeds going to Group funds.

© 1997-2024 The Class 37 Locomotive Group (C37LG). The C37LG is a registered charity, registered in England. Charity number: 1137787. This website uses cookies by continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. VAT No. GB 720 1721 83


Registered office: Erinna Lodge, Mattishall Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3BU. Privacy policy.


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