Work continues at a steady pace reassembling all the pipework and cabling, as this
is being done during downtime periods at UKRL. There are still a few outstanding
little jobs to do to 003 before we move on to starting it up and on to load bank testing.
The small team at Dereham are still working their way through a number of small
components that will be needed once we move onto the next phase of the project.
Recently Nick Johnson 'The Norfolk Tinman' has made us up 4 replacement
marker light front panels, sadly our original ones have seen their better days and
have got to the point where the metal is so thin it was just the paint holding them
together. The new ones just need a strip welding to the inside of them which holds
a rubber seal in place to make them watertight. Once that's done they can then be
drilled and made ready for installing on 003 once the bodywork phase is started.
Sadly all the original hinges that go with these have also seen better days and we
are now in the process of trying to get a new set cast by a local foundry.
A full in depth report on the loco and the progress will feature in the next edition.